Saturday, April 29, 2006

I had some fun last night, but since one of My moneyslaves paid for that he gets to hear about it first. After that, if the rest of you want hear about it, you can call and ask.

But on Thursday I had some fun as well. In the late afternoon I went to a bar. Not the kind of place where I would usually hang out, but I knew from Gina that mark hung out there. He was at a table with a friend. The look on his face was priceless! I walked up and introduced Myself and sat down. mark was figetting all over the place. After a while his friend went to the bathroom, and mark leaned toward and said in stangled whisper "What are you doing here?"

I put on an innocent look and said "Is there a problem with Me being here mark?"

"I don't want anybody to know about..." Here he trailed off and couldn't finish.

"To know about what?" I prodded. He just froze and couldn't come up with anything. His friend came back a moment later, but it wasn't too long before he had to leave. After he left mark started whispering something about not wanting people know his private business, so I interuppted in a normal tone of voice and said "Then you probably shouldn't discuss private things in public." mark freaked out and started to look around to seeif anybody could hear Me. But the place was fairly busy and only a couple of people were looking in our direction. Though that didn't seem to comfort him when I pointed it out.

mark stood up and said "I'm leaving." I stayed in My chair looked at him and said "Sit down." I didn't raise My voice, (I'm not much for yelling) but he got the point that I wasn't dicking around. He sat back down. "Normally," I said "I don't discuss private things in public, but since you brought it up," and I grinned at him "tell Gina I want to get together Saturday or sunday night. I have a surprise for her, well actually it's more of a surprise for you I guess, but she'll need to be there too."

He wnted to know what it was but I just laughed at him and left.

I'll be on until at least ten or eleven E.S.T. tonight. You can call if you'd like to find out what the surprise is, but I should be posting about it in a day or two at the most.

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